Invoicing terms
Ecster erbjuder privatpersoner att handla mot faktura. En fakturaavgift om 0 kr tillkommer. Betalningsvillkor är 14 dagar. Fakturan skickas i samband med leveransen. Vid försenad eller utebliven betalning utgår påminnelseavgift om f.n. 60 kr samt dröjsmålsränta med 24 % per år.
At the moment of purchase a credit worthiness evaluation is carried out which can result in a credit check. The creditor is Ecster AB. Escter is a registered credit market company with the permission to carry out their business according to the law (2004:297) of banking- and financing business. Ecster is supervised by Finansinspektionen and is registered in Bolagsverket's register of companies.
Förutsättning för att få handla mot faktura är att du är över 18 år och inte har några betalningsanmärkningar.
Account terms for installment (only applies in Sweden)
Ecster erbjuder privatpersoner att teckna ett kontokreditavtal och delbetalning av köp. I kassan väljer du delbetalning och hur många månader du vill dela upp betalningen på. Du kan när som helst välja att betala köpet i sin helhet.
At the moment of purchase a credit worthiness evaluation is carried in which can result in a credit check. The creditor is Ecster AB. Escter is a registered credit market company with the permission to carry out their business according to the law (2004:297) of banking- and financing business. Ecster is supervised by Finansinspektionen and is registered in Bolagsverket's register of companies.
The condition to apply for partial payment is that you're over 18 years and don't have any records of non-payment.
If you've previously carried out a partial payment through Ecster you can use the same account and you don't need to be credit checked again. If the credit limit on the account is too low you can easily apply for a raise.
Example: at a 10 000 SEK-purchase the arrangement fee is 0 SEK and the administrative fee 29 SEK. The yearly interest is 13,82% which means an current yield of 18,74%. The total cost for you to pay is 10 981 SEK. The number of partial payments is 12, each payment consisting of 915 SEK. This example is based on a 12 month payback time with a fully used credit.
A complimentary card
When you've carried out your partial payment you have the possibility to acquire a card – completely free of charge. The card's connected to your allowed credit, and you can use it to make payments and withdraw cash anywhere in the world. You get a bonus on all your purchases and every month you get nice offers and benefits. There is no yearly fee for the card.
Kontakta Ecster
För personlig service kan du ringa till Ecster kundtjänst på telefon 0771-675 700 eller skicka e-post till
Vardagar 08:00 – 20:00
Lördagar 10:00 – 18:00
Söndagar 10:00 – 18:00